I personally chose to certify with DONA International because it is the oldest and largest doula certifying organization in the world, dedicated wholly to certifying both birth and postpartum doulas. Being an international organization means the certification you work hard to earn is accepted worldwide.

I am still impressed with the foundation of DONA International. It was founded by five experts in childbirth who recognized the research-based benefits of emotional support for mothers and their partners during and shortly after labor and birth. DONA International’s Founders established a criteria for certification and developed a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice that is evidence-based and highly respected by the medical community.

DONA International promotes the highest quality perinatal support for birthing families by setting the standard for doula education and training, and by advocating the research-based benefits of doula support.

Being a part of this worldwide organization gives you both credibility, as well as accountability.



“A doula for every person who wants one.”

This is a vision I share and together we can make that happen!

Is there a need for more doulas?

Absolutely! Currently, only 6% of birthing families utilize the services of a doula, yet research shows the positive impact doulas have….

  • 39% less likely to give birth by cesarean
  • 9% less likely to request medication
  • 41% less likely to need an assisted delivery
  • 35% less likely to be dissatisfied with their birth experience
  • 31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin
  • Shorter labors
  • Enhanced breastfeeding
  • Less postpartum depression and anxiety
  • Greater self esteem